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Our Scholars

Ángel Francisco Hernández Valdez



Tecnológico de Monterrey

Academic Major:

Robotics and Digital Systems


Other Activities:

Member of the Latin American Leadership Academy. Participant in the VLB 43 camp. Creator of the "Centro de Distribución Inteligente” project in order to make a fairer and more sustainable distribution of water for all communities, as well as facilitate access to it. Founder of the CECYTED 20 Chess club seeking to guide young people to break their barriers through sport. Entrepreneur of and passionate reader about personal development and business.

Dream For Your Country:

I envision a Mexico where no one is left behind, where sustainable and technological infrastructure bridges the gap for marginalized communities. A nation where progress is measured not only by economic growth but also by the happiness and fulfillment of its citizens, and by the ethical values that underpin society.

Favorite Quote:

"If we want to be successful, we must first think we can." - Michael Korda