Luxolo Paul Mdolo
University of Cape Town
Academic Major:
Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery
School Activities:
Chairperson of the 2019 executive committee of Kutlwong Promaths Alumni UCT chapter, member of the UCT Surgical Society, member of UCT SHAWCO Health and SHAWCO Education and member of UCT Medical Society.
Dream For Your Country:
I want to shift the paradigm in South African healthcare, and move us from being cure centered to actually solving the problems which make us ill through the economic and social development of our people at a grass roots level. If we can integrate and unite different sectors and different professions with the goal of giving everyone a better life, this can be achieved more rapidly and sustainably.
Favorite Quote:
“We should plant trees, under whose shade we do not plan to sit. That is the principle of selfless sacrifice.” - Jay Shetty